Saturday, 8 March 2014

10 health benefits of CUCUMBER

You might have often heard the phrase, ‘Cool as a cucumber’ used to refer to a person who does not show any heightened emotion in moments of extreme pressure. The simile has become so popular for good reason, as eating a cucumber will instantly make you feel better on a sunny day. The vegetable also known as kheera or kakdi in India is an excellent addition to your diet as it has more health benefits than one. Here are some of them.

1.  Keeps your body hydrated

Cucumber contains 95% water and eating them is a great way to keep yourself hydrated. Not getting enough water can cause several problems as water flushes out all the toxins in your body.

2.  Can be used to prevent hangovers

If the worst part about drinking alcohol for you is the early morning headache that usually accompanies it then there’s a way to avoid it. Nutrients like B Vitamins, sugar and electrolytes will make sure that if you eat a cucumber before going to bed, then the intensity of your hangover next morning will be significantly reduced.

3.  Useful for weight loss

Cucumbers are extremely low in calories and contain high amounts of dietary fibre. This makes cucumber a vegetable that will reduce your hunger pangs without giving you a lot of calories.

4.  Reduces cholesterol

A cucumber contains zero cholesterol and if you are at risk of suffering from heart disease or have had heart related problems in the past, then you should definitely eat a cucumber a day. Additionally, researchers have found that a compound called sterols can help reduce cholesterol levels.

5.  Aids in digestion

You should eat cucumbers daily to help prevent many digestive problems like acidity, constipation, ulcer formation, etc.  The reason that your digestive system loves cucumbers is because it has high amounts of water that helps flush out the toxins, dietary fibre that clears the food stuck in your colon and an enzyme called erepsin that helps in the absorption of protein.

6.  Reduces bad breath

Putting a cucumber on the roof of your mouth for a few minutes will help kill all the bad-breath causing bacteria giving you a fresher breath. According to Ayuveda, bad breath is caused due to excess heat in your stomach and eating a cucumber will help release this.

7.  Helps reduce stress

In today’s fast paced world it is easy to get stressed. This stress creates hormonal changes that can affect your body in several ways. Cucumbers are extremely rich in B Vitamins which help regulate the functioning of your adrenal glands and counters the harmful effects that stress can have on your body.

8.  Prevents cancer

Cucumbers contain a group of phytonutrients called lignans which have been linked to a lowered risk of cancer. Additionally, the many antioxidants along with Vitamin C, improves your immunity and reduces free radical damage which in turn helps prevent cancer.

9.  Helps treat eye strain

Extreme dependence of today’s generation on computers and smartphones often leads to eye strain and headache. Keeping a slice of cucumber on your eyes and lying down for several minutes can help reduce eye strain and instantly make you feel more relaxed.

10. Could help prevent Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is an extremely scary disease to have as it takes a heavy toll on both the patient and the caregiver. According to researchers at Salk Institute for Biological Studies, a flavonol called fisetin present in cucumbers prevented progressive memory and learning impairments in mice.

All these properties make cucumber a super food that you shouldn’t forget including in your diet.

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