Wednesday 5 March 2014

Small changes that can improve your health by 50%

When I started looking for information on how I can can lead a more healthy lifestyle, I was suddenly inundated with a huge data that I found a bit disorganized because of its sheer volume. During my journey to live a more healthy lifestyle I found that there is value in simplifying some of the information so that starting up becomes a bit easier. I am listing 5 things that you can do to start on this journey and achieve a big result.

  1. Stay Hydrated- There are so many beverage options now a days. Most of these are stacked up with sugar & artificial preservatives. I believe that Water is the best option to drink because the body is made up of 60% water, every cell requires it to function optimally, it needs to be replenished daily. Plus it has no calories! Without water the body can suffer serious symptoms of dehydration. Replacing all your beverages with water & in sufficient quantity can really do wonders
  2. Add Movement/Exercise into Your Daily Routine- Inactivity has caused a rise in obesity and put us at risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and stroke. We have become too sedentary. For many of us having a busy schedules is often an excuse for shirking from regular exercise. I am sure even the most busiest people can find ways to add movement into their daily schedules. some examples includes parking farther away from the door to their job or the store, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, getting of the bus or train a stop early and walking the rest of the way, riding a bike to work instead of driving. If you work in an office get up from your desk as much as possible, hand deliver messages to someone across the office instead of calling them on the phone, use a restroom farther away from your desk stand up and pace while on the phone. With these few initiatives all of us can now lead a more healthier lifestyle.
  3. Eat More Vegetables & Colorful Foods- Substitute unhealthy, high calorie, fatty foods with fruits and vegetables whenever possible.Incorporate a wide variety of colorful fruits , vegetables & nuts in to your diet. The more colorful produce in your diet the more essential nutrients you’ll get throughout the day.
  4. Take Breaks throughout the Day- Taking small breaks throughout the day will help to clear your head. Get up, step away from your desk, and take a walk. This will improve your metabolism, and get the blood circulating throughout the body. Better circulation means more oxygen and nutrients delivered to the brain. You will feel rejuvenated and refreshed allowing you to work better for the rest of the day.
  5. Take time to laugh- Stress is a major factor in our deterioration lifestyle. Laughing relieves stress and tension, which allows our muscles to relax and reduces anxiety. Deep laughter can brighten a dull day. Reading jokes, playing a prank, sharing a funny moment with your friends & family, etc helps you reduce stress & anxiety.

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