Saturday, 8 March 2014

Beauty Tips That Every Teen Should Know

       Teenagers belong to an experimental stage, a stage we have been through and a stage coming generations will go through too. And we are all aware of how curious and eager we were to grow up. Do what the adults do!
    This is the time when you discover your feminity and are eager to try and show off! You have a constant need to look good. And honestly what is wrong with that?
You have our eyes on all the beauty magazines and fashion trends. You know what’s in whether it is makeup, hair or clothes and that is just the beginning. You pick up all that you like and most definitely don’t think twice before trying them out! And why not? If you don’t find your likes and dislikes now, when will you?

With all this, you must protect your skin to retain its original health and glow. Beauty mistakes made in this age could last longer than one’s imagination, leaving behind the visible marks that can make the adult life a lot harder than it will be anyway! Beauty tips for teenagers is very different from what it is for our mother’s.

So scroll down, to know what you can do to pick the right makeup, take care of your skin and hair. Lets not leave out your lips! Here are all the home beauty tips for girls in their teens.

Makeup choices as a teenager need to be made very carefully. Your skin at this age tends to react a lot to products and a breakout is something that nobody fancies. Below are a few tips to make it easier on you.
1. Don’t buy anything without testing it first. Ask for samples to make sure the formula doesn’t break you out.

2. Don’t do smoky eyes with dark lips, as it tends to look tacky for a young face.

3. Play up your best features, if you have pretty eyes, line them so they get more attention. Or if you have a wonderful pout, use flattering gloss or lipstick to gain attention.

4. Avoid foundation on acne skin, if needed; make sure to use an oil free formula.

5. Pat concealer using fingers rather than rubbing it.

6. Make sure to wear sunscreen before makeup. This will keep your skin looking few years younger.


Teenage skin is a whole different story from the adult skin. Keep in mind that your skin is more permeable i.e. allows more substances to pass through than the adult skin and therefore shows irritation to harsh products a lot more easily. The only advantage you have is that teenage skin also tends to heal faster.
Here are few general tips specifically meant for you!

1. Get an all over body scrub to remove dead skin. Ensure that the areas like shoulders, back and chest are covered. For oily skin, make sure to scrub the T-zone gently to remove and prevent blackheads.

2. Shave your legs at the end of your bath to prevent cuts. If you wax, go for a quick cold shower!

3. Care for your finger nails, keep them clipped, and paint them with a base coat to avoid yellow nails.

4. And don’t forget those toe nails! There is nothing more disgusting than dirty long toe nails. Clip them and clean them at frequent intervals.

5. Get a good night rest to prevent acne and dark circles. 

Lip care:

Wondering why we have lip care as a separate segment? The skin on your lips is as such a lot more sensitive than the rest of your body as it lacks the glands to nourish itself, but as a teenager it is even more sensitive. It cracks, dries and bleeds a lot more easily!

Here are a few general things you can do to keep it soft and supple as they are the best beauty tips for teenagers.

1. Exfoliate! But use homemade exfoliators like sugar and honey. Avoid the tooth brush technique no matter how soft the bristles are.

2. Moisturizer as frequently as you can. Never let it dry out.

3. Do not lick your lips or peel out dry skin. Nothing causes more damage than these two things!

4. Don’t wear lipstick on already chapped lips. They only highlight and further dry your skin.

5. Always check for expiration date. Expired products have more bacteria and less nutrients which can add fuel to an already growing skin condition. And if you don’t have one, it will cause one for you!


After all the trouble with your skin and makeup, how can you let your hair hold you back? Here are a few tips that will make it easier for you to tame them and look gorgeous.

1. Don’t overdo the blonde highlights on your hair. Make sure you stay close to your natural tones.

2. Get an easy-to- manage haircuts like layers. Layers is said to save time in getting dressed as it looks good on almost all hair types.

3. You got not just a oily skin but a oily scalp to make matters worse with your blonde hair? Skip the hundreds of products in the market and pick some baby powder. Baby powder at the roots works wonders! But if you have brown hair, then stick to a dry shampoo.

4. Need a style that will blow people away? Don’t go over board. Less is more principle applies here too. Just give your hair some loose curls with a barrel iron and you are set! This kind of styling also minimizes heat damage.

5. Shampoo’s are meant for your scalp and conditioners for the shaft of your hair. No matter what your age, this rule does not change. Shampoo on the tips will only strip away too much natural oils and conditioner at the scalp will only make your hair greasy. No good will come off it.

Always smile and be confident. A radiant smile does wonders to the beauty efforts you have made!

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